Workshop :- SUNDAY 31ST MARCH

9am till 6pm

Venue :- 605 Golden Donald Upper Road, Golden

Cost :- $60 for those just wanting to dip their toe in and represent, $130 for those wanting a personal constellation


Constellations are a powerful healing modality that brings a different perspective to a situation so it may resolve, whether this be our relationship with ourselves, a family member, or a bigger system. Constellations work on unconscious levels and often reveal what has hitherto been hidden, therefore often creating movement where nothing else has helped in the past.

Family Constellations remind us that our Ancestors are real, present and that we can connect with them for assistance and healing that which is out of balance giving insight into “symptoms’ that have baffled us and plagued us for years.

Family Constellation work is centered in the practice founded by Bert Hellinger and has since developed as a means of multi-generational inquiry and healing. Often unconsciously, without being aware of it, we carry issues that are not ours but originated many generations ago in our family of origin. When an issue remains unresolved, despite all our efforts to overcome it, turning to our Ancestors can provide us with the solution we’ve been seeking.

The traumas of history linger when they can’t be fully acknowledged and dealt with at the time. That unresolved history shows up in our personal and collective pain. Through constellations work we can include all that has taken place, release what is over, and receive deep strength for our paths ahead.

Who is this Workshop for?

·       Anyone wishing to heal a strained relationship with a family member.

·       Anyone feeling stuck in any area of their life and wishing to gain a different perspective and discover a new way forward.

·       Anyone seeking greater inner peace or answers to questions.

·       Curious souls who’ve heard of Constellation work and want to find out more!

Cost:  Intrigued and want to dip your toe in? Come be a representative in someone else’s constellation and learn more about it; Fee $60

Want to dive in and have a personal constellation to work on a specific issue: $130

When: Sunday 31st March 2024

Time: 9am- till 6pm (or later, as we will run until all constellations are finished)

Where: Liza’s home 605 Golden Donald Upper Road (directions sent on booking) 


Liza is a Holistic Life Coach with many strings to her bow. Always in the cutting edge
Liza has been described as being ahead of her time and blends many powerful modalities to create her own alchemical mix of energy psychology meets modern day Shamanism.

She has trained with some of the best teachers in the field of Family Constellation and facilitates with an approach that is trauma informed and honors the seekers own autonomy and inner guidance. As well as being a Family Constellation Facilitator, Liza is also an Accredited Journey Practitioner. The Journey created by Brandon Bays is a unique method of releasing old cellular memory from the body and mind through gentle emotional release techniques. She also has deep mastery of EFT and uses this to help people make big breakthroughs.

She also has a diploma in Psychosomatic Therapy from the Australasian Institute of Body Mind Analysis and Psychosomatic Therapy. She is a mesa carrier in the Inca lineage as taught by The Four Winds Society and has studied Space Clearing with Karen Kingston along with having a homeopathic qualification from the Lakeland College of Homeopathy in the UK.

Please email or call Liza to reserve a spot!

* Only 10 spaces so grab a spot quickly!

Cell: 250 344 5206 or